I'm pretty unaware of anything Captain America as far as comic books wise, so I went into the theater only knowing a few things: Captain America is Steve Rogers, who used to be a 90 lb. weakling, but during WWII they needed a supersoldier for the army. There was a bad guy named Red Skull and he had a sidekick named Bucky. That's literally everything I knew. Unlike the Harry Potter series, you don't need to have read the source material to understand the film. "The First Avenger" plays out like any normal superhero film...and that's exactly what it is: a normal superhero film. It doesn't go beyond your expectations, it's not a below par film like I heard "Green Lantern" was. It plays exactly like "Thor" did actually; establishing the character's backgrounds, setting them up for what's to come, taking time to reveal the main villain. One could argue that that's the set-up for anymovie superhero movie, but if you...