I saw "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" last week and was pretty impressed by it. I was going to write up a review talking about how much I liked it and how great Andy Serkis was as Caesar, the ape responsible for the whole "Planet of the Apes" thing and how the characters came in 2nd to the awesome visual effects, but then I saw "The Help" just yesterday. And it blew my mind. The film, as one might already know, is the adaptation of the "wildly popular" bestselling novel about maids in the South and how one rambunctious woman tries to put their predicament into a book and reach the nation to tell how these maids are struggling. The novel was probably popular with adults, no one my age that I know of has ever read or heard of the book "The Help." Maybe due to its subject matter; the book is very racially charged and has several uses of racist terminology. The movie's mood reminds me of several other racially charged films, ...