Before stepping into to review the movie "Bully" I want to get a few things out into the clear: Regarding the movie's rating, I could care less about it. It has no relevance to the movie besides giving it some buzz for people to see it. The second thing I want to get out there is that I was on both ends of the cyber-bullying spectrum in the 7th grade. The god-awful graveyard that used to be MySpace was my refuge for ridiculous outbursts against my other classmates. I used to instigate one girl in particular, we'd go back and forth arguing for months over nothing. Near the end of school I sent her a despicably nasty message; she showed it to my homeroom teacher, and why she never showed it to the principal I'll never know. On the other end a kid threatened to beat me up online. The next day.I showed the message to the guidance counselor and he got suspended for a few weeks. Cyber-bullying absolutely destroyed my seventh grade year. ...