It's no surprise to anybody that "Paranormal Activity" made nearly $30,000,000 this past weekend. The shaky cam found footage film series has been destroying box office numbers since 2009. I'm going to try to dissect this...this bizarre film phenomenon. First, for those unable to recall the hype of "Paranormal Activity," boy that was something else. People usually only buzz about superhero movies, the Harry Potter series, Twilight, etc. You know: big movie franchises. All of a sudden, this tiny movie with a budget of $15,000 comes out freaking people out in theaters. The famous trailer accompanying it with people's erratic, horrified reactions to the movie, said to scare the pants off you. I partly think this works psychologically as people went to see "Paranormal Activity" because it was a challenge of nerve: will I become as scared as these people are? Will I be more scared? I bet it won't scare me! I vividly remember ...