Before this review begins, I have to preface it with an embarrassing confession: Steven Spielberg's last epic, "War Horse," which came out in Christmas time and was nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award...drove me to sleep. Well...kind of. It might have been the result of the cool theater, or a long day's exhaustion, but I could be caught struggling to keep consciousness as the main character and the titular war horse were shown literally just plowing a field. I won the battle of sleep and resumed watching the movie, to be pleasantly surprised by the ending and gradual appreciation of "War Horse." I've yet to re-watch it, but I might after viewing this historical masterpiece by one of cinema's greatest actors and cinema's greatest directors about the nation's greatest president. Daniel Day-Lewis in the film...I think But praising a film with Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis is a given, these are masters at their craft after al...