As much as people acclaim the "Lord of the Rings" series, there are those who find fault in the nearly nine and half hour saga that's had fan-boys craving more Middle Earth since the end credits of "Return of the King" rolled. You don't hear much about them, as only six or seven inhabit the world at a time. I revisited the series this year after seeing them for the very first time in mid 2010. I have a goal to see all of the Oscar-winning Best Pictures, and because "ROTK" fell into that category, I was obliged to watch the gargantuan trilogy. I feel foolish now for thinking it was a chore, as "The Lord of the Rings" is a truly moving, ambitious and genius driven trilogy that refreshed how we all looked at science fiction and fantasy, and how it could be crafted as this dead-serious work of art. Jackson had Hobbit-feet sized shoes to fill with this first of three installments, "An Unexpected Journey." I've always adm...