I guess dreams really do come true! Just last week I posted my desires to see "Spring Breakers," honestly thinking it'd be months before I could rent the film by controversial director Harmony Korine on DVD. I got a little too excited when I realized it received a wide release, because really who would want to hide a movie like this? I went into "Spring Breakers" with the full knowledge it was going to be a crazy film. I was wrong. "Spring Breakers" is not a crazy film. It is the craziest film. Initially we're showed a rapid montage of repeating images of scantily clad women and douches looking like they're having the time of their lives on spring break. This is a recurring motif in "Spring Breakers," the idea that these kids are having "the time of their lives," when it's no more than potentially lethal intakes of booze, coke, and college boys, who will, to put it kindly, degrade you and use you for a one nig...