I've been out of commission for a while now! I saw Frozen and The Winter Soldier , and liked both movies very much so, but along with a busy schedule to keep up with I didn't see the need to review them because I didn't feel like I could say much about those mega hits that people didn't already know/had read in previous reviews. So I figure since over Spring Break I saw a little movie not too many people are talking about yet, I'd review that: Jason Bateman's directorial debut Bad Words . From the trailer alone I knew this was not another Danny DoGood role for Mr. Bateman: no traces of Michael Bluth to be found here. I bought the concept, I bought the ticket and....uggggh. Bateman plays Guy Trilby, a very generic name for this somewhat generic, incredibly mean-spirited movie that I'm surprised appealed to Bateman to begin with. I get shedding your good guy persona, maybe take a more dramatic role...but to still be in a comedy but just as the world's bi...