Tom Cruise knows how to keep them guessing. Last year he starred in Oblivion , the fairly entertaining sci-fi action flick starring Cruise as someone who's not exactly positive about the situation he's in, and has a kick-butt female counterpart partner. And in here he's....well you know where the joke's going. As reviews have noted, perhaps why this film has garnered the acclaim not because the premise is 100% original, but it works on its premise, has plenty of great special effects, and to be blunt (ba dum tss) the female action hero kicks the pants off of Oblivion 's. Emily Blunt, who has really emerged as the Sigourney Weaver of the present. Turns in films like Looper have cemented her as the biggest female action star out now, and the critics are unanimous in her elevating the movie to something more than just typical summer science fiction fare. The premise is basically this, and I'm giving a condensed version because it's better not to know the p...