In a year where the most anticipated movie franchise is The Hunger Games , the movie coming out this weekend is The Maze Runner , and Divergent is one of its more successful films, what a wonderfully refreshing surprise it is to see The Giver , a sci-fi action(ish) movie based on a beloved young adult book. They're really changing things up here in 2014. All joking aside, I was actually pretty excited to hear a few months ago that "The Giver" was finally getting its dues. The novel we all had to read sometime or another as tweens (for me it was fifth grade) gets the silver screen adaptation. And full disclosure, that is the last time I've read "The Giver." For me it was a complicated time, and I have memories of lying on my beanbag chair, reading that final chapter, wondering what the book was all about. It certainly wasn't "Magic Treehouse" or "The Bailey School Kids," no this was definitely a young adult book, emphasis on adult...