"No, don't stop! I haven't seen it yet!" "Shhhhhh... lalalalalalala I'm not listening, I'm not listening!" "AHHHP! AHHP AHHP AHHP! Don't say another word, you will not ruin this for me!" All of the above are common phrases you will hear when you begin to try to talk about David Fincher's latest film Gone Girl , an adaptation of Gillian Flynn's ubiquitous, bestselling novel of 2012. I couldn't go anywhere on vacation without seeing a copy of it in a tourist's hands, that sable cover with wisps of a woman's hair taunting me to come and pick it up. It's length alone intimidated me. So when I heard critics and people online saying "How can you NOT have heard of all the plot twists?" I just cupped my hands over my uncultured hears and pressed the red X at the top of the window. I was not having this movie ruined for me. And thats why I'm sympathetic with you, the reader, who may be going through my...