What really scared you as a kid? Was it giant monsters, the dark, a scary house across the street? For me, it was always the nontraditionally scary things that spooked me. I couldn't watch Mel Stuart's Willy Wonka because of how badly the ubiquitous Oompa Loompas sang in their monotone, dead-faced way. There was the donkey transformation in Disney's Pinocchio (that also served as a great anti-smoking ad). I wasn't allowed to watch any horror films, but my peers in daycare and elementary school sure were, and the biggest show/event that they talked about being the most terrifying thing you could ever see was "It." Someone brought in a copy of the VHS, with Tim Curry's bulbous egg dome and blood-red Ben Franklin side-do greeting you in the upper right corner. It is creepy. But watching it about ten years later, on Spike TV, I can sum it up with a one-word review: "campy." Curry has a ball with Pennywise, and you're always waiting for him to po...