I'm late! Let's jump into it. 5. PARASITE I opened up Bong Joon-ho's Snowpiercer on Netflix my freshman year expecting for a decent action/thriller headed by Chris Evans. What I got was a spectacular action thriller that stated no matter where you are in life there will be a class system separating the poor and rich. Building off that theme we are treated to the foreign darling of the year, the Palme d'Or winner and possibly even Best Picture winner by next month, Parasite . Difficult to review without revealing too much, just know through a single connection Kim Ki-woo (Choi Woo-shik) begins to weasel his entire family into the wealthy Park brood's mansion. The rest, as every BuzzFeed article you see scrolling through Facebook announces, will shock you. Startlingly original, most films on this list ranked higher I have seen some version of. To Parasite 's credit, there is nothing like it. Find your local arthouse theater and go see it! 4. UNCUT GEMS Aft...