While contemporary movies can be excellent sometimes, nothing does match the experience of watching a good-old black and white film, where the only thing higher than the trousers the men wear is the quality of work put into the movie. That's why, from now and then, I'll review a classic movie, pertaining to something relevant happening nowadays, a trend of some sorts. The always-smiling Kristen Stewart vs. "Mirror Mirror's" Lily Collins That's exactly what's happening now, and what an odd trend it is: Snow White. In passing when you hear about Snow White you smile and are remembered of the 1937 Disney version. It's a cute movie, you think. Have you ever really dug down and thought about the premise, the idea, the essence of Snow White really is? A poor girl, whose father died, gets sent out into the woods to be killed by someone her insane stepmother hired (and to bring back her heart nonetheless, ewww)...and that's just the beginning. ...