I remember so clearly seeing the brief, hyperventilating trailer in the summer movie season of "Gravity," thinking very polarizing thoughts. Then I saw the full-length trailer, I warmed up a little to the idea of Bullock and Clooney in space. By the time this film came out, the buzz around it was deafening, not only from the critics singing it the best technical achievement since "Avatar," saying they should go ahead and just give it the Oscar come February, but from my peers, where the FAQ was "Have you seen 'Gravity' yet?" Let's start this out by saying "Gravity" is worth the hype, in some ways more than others. Will it get nominated for Best Picture? 100%. Will it win? Probably, though "12 Years a Slave" is eyeing the prize as well. "Gravity" is one of the more technically perfect movies I've seen in a very long time. The only movie to come out in recent years to match the accomplishments with 3D would hav...