So probably only the top two of these movies are really hated by people, but all of these movies were fairly bashed by critics and have an increasingly worse reputation through the years despite decent reviews at the time of release! I've slapped on an explanation for all five, and I'm probably forgetting some, but these are the ones I hear my friends and pro critics alike bash frequently.
The least critically thrashed entry on this list, but many people still believed that the third entry in the "Shrek" series jumped the shark when Shrek, Donkey and co. go to install the future King Arthur (Artie) as the king of Far, Far Away. I saw this in theaters back in 2007, and what can I say, I got a kick out of it. A couple years later when I watched it in my 8th grade drama class I still found it hilarious, of course no where near the level of ingenuity of the first two, but being Far, Far Superior than the fourth installment, an "It's a Wonderful Life" ripoff.
"Boring and sluggish even with Shrek often naked,"- Victoria Alexander.
4. CRASH (RTS: 75%)
The score and three Oscars "Crash" won would say otherwise to an infrequent moviegoer, but this film has grown to be nearly hated by Oscar aficionados, usually ranking somewhere in the bottom or penultimate spots on several top Best Pictures of all time. While I agree Asians didn't get a fair representation, I thought it a thrilling, interweaving tale of racism, hatred and love in Los Angelos. Many accused homophobia in the Academy (which makes little sense as Hollywood is as liberal as it gets) for "Brokeback Mountain" not winning.
"Obnoxious, hollow, and not at all as smart or important as it thinks it is,"- David Cornelius.
Of course the original "Hangover" is one of the 2000's funniest comedies, there is no dispute. So how do you follow that up? With low expectations! I rented "Part II" knowing the critical lashing it'd endured. It's a carbon copy of the original, but on a one-note premise of people being drunk and doing something stupid then retracing their steps, sometimes that's all you have. I laughed consistently throughout it, but admittedly am dreading renting the third installment, which was actually at an impressive RTS of 19%.
"If there's such thing as plagiarizing your own work, 'Hangover Part II' is the best example. Also, for those folks who drink to get plastered, fist pump at the club, splurge on a hooker and say racial epithets for fun - you've finally found your franchise!"- Clay Cane.
Best viewed with a group of friends, Johnny Depp's creepy-hilarious performance as Willy Wonka unearths Wonka's roots and exploits the original story a bit, poking fun at its truly nonsensical nature. Crtics and viewers alike have begun HATING this film a few years after its release, but I'm fine with it, and find its random moments of inspired zaniness cute.
"It's just some people sitting around thinking: 'How can we make some more money?' Why else would you remake 'Willy Wonka'? I don't see the point of going back and doing it all over again,"- Gene Wilder.
1. SPIDER-MAN 3 (63%)
I've seen this film probably 5 or 6 times, twice in theaters, and once in IMAX. Providing the one reason why people DESPISE this movie are the two scenes in which Tobey Maguire dances with a decidedly emo haircut. Does it fit into the story at all? No. But the other complaint, that they were juggling too many villains at once, I don't have much of a problem with. It's a Spider-Man movie, why not throw some familiar comic book faces in there! Lately critics and fans of the hero have blasted this, citing it as the reason there was no "Spider-Man 4" but a reboot only 5 years later.
"Spider-Man 3 is so burdened by the need to outshine its predecessors that it sinks beneath the weight of its own extravagant excesses," - Brandon Fibbs.

"Boring and sluggish even with Shrek often naked,"- Victoria Alexander.
4. CRASH (RTS: 75%)
The score and three Oscars "Crash" won would say otherwise to an infrequent moviegoer, but this film has grown to be nearly hated by Oscar aficionados, usually ranking somewhere in the bottom or penultimate spots on several top Best Pictures of all time. While I agree Asians didn't get a fair representation, I thought it a thrilling, interweaving tale of racism, hatred and love in Los Angelos. Many accused homophobia in the Academy (which makes little sense as Hollywood is as liberal as it gets) for "Brokeback Mountain" not winning.
"Obnoxious, hollow, and not at all as smart or important as it thinks it is,"- David Cornelius.
Of course the original "Hangover" is one of the 2000's funniest comedies, there is no dispute. So how do you follow that up? With low expectations! I rented "Part II" knowing the critical lashing it'd endured. It's a carbon copy of the original, but on a one-note premise of people being drunk and doing something stupid then retracing their steps, sometimes that's all you have. I laughed consistently throughout it, but admittedly am dreading renting the third installment, which was actually at an impressive RTS of 19%.

Best viewed with a group of friends, Johnny Depp's creepy-hilarious performance as Willy Wonka unearths Wonka's roots and exploits the original story a bit, poking fun at its truly nonsensical nature. Crtics and viewers alike have begun HATING this film a few years after its release, but I'm fine with it, and find its random moments of inspired zaniness cute.
"It's just some people sitting around thinking: 'How can we make some more money?' Why else would you remake 'Willy Wonka'? I don't see the point of going back and doing it all over again,"- Gene Wilder.
1. SPIDER-MAN 3 (63%)

"Spider-Man 3 is so burdened by the need to outshine its predecessors that it sinks beneath the weight of its own extravagant excesses," - Brandon Fibbs.
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